Director's Report
1. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual
a. Bob Hughes final report/review
2. Report on Missouri Public Library Director (MPLD) Conference held December 1-2, 2022
a. Attorney Adam Sommer
3 free calls/year with membership ii. Board needs to use correct Closed Session number if they are going to post it on their agenda* iii. Director is in all closed session meetings with the board except if closed session is about the Director iv. Board is covered if they strictly stick to agenda
1. Public comment kept to time stated
2. They have the option to adjourn at any time during the meeting
3. They can retain the right to go into a closed meeting at any time*
a. This is done by stating on the agenda they reserve the right to go into closed session. No numbers need to be listed.
b. When they go into closed session those notes need to reflect the correct number for reason being in a closed session.
c. In the minutes a note is written that board went into closed session for (list number)
v. If there is a member of the public who disrupts meeting and will not cooperate the board has the right to charge the person with trespassing after they have been asked to leave.
b. Missouri libraries partner with several organizations to bring needed resources to communities.
Missouri Job Center Connect (
1. Help register for jobs
2. Training
3. Help with professional clothing and hygiene
National Library of Medicine & Specialized libraries
1. Help people gain health literacy
a. Literacy —story time, handouts, adult learning classes, software for those with learning disabilities
b. Health — host outreach nutritional programs, mental health resources, reference materials
c. Health Literacy — plain language brochures, special days for local health professionals to assist with form comprehension, mis/disinformation programs and programs on local health services, glossaries or cheat sheets iii. County Extension/ MU
1. Food Literacy — using books to teach about nutrition
2. Out Reach programs- teach simple cooking classes, canning classes
3. "Kitchen in a Box" Created by the State Library (available grant)
a. Common kitchen tools and appliances
b. Cookbooks
c. Chop Chop magazine (available to our patrons online)