J.C. Penney Memorial Library - Museum

November 1880 Clarence A. Greene started a circulating library in Hamilton at the Post Office Book Store. After many changes, in 1919, acting on a petition presented, the Hamilton City Council called for an election to vote on a ten cent tax to support the library. The tax measure was won and nine directors were appointed to the Hamilton Public Library's first library board. J.C. Penney, whose boyhood home was Hamilton, agreed to donate $10,000.00 as a memorial to his parents for the erection of a library building on the condition that the people of Hamilton contribute a minimum of $5,000.00 towards the project. In 1920 the Library began building it's one story building. The Hamilton Public Library's first librarian was Miss Mabel White. The Library officially opened its doors on February 12, 1921. The Hamilton Public Library stayed in that building until March 1976 where it joined the J.C. Penney Museum on Highway 13.
The current tax rate for the library is 0.3058 and the Library Director is Sonja Farnsworth. Please feel free to talk to her or any one of the board members should you have any questions or concerns.