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Minutes for February 2024 Board Meeting

Call to Order: Candy Hensley, Susi Pipkin, Sydney Ernat, Liz Gubernatis, Sarah Connelly, Sonja Farnsworth

  • Approval of minutes: Sarah made a motion to accept minutes from December and Susi seconded.  All approved
  • Treasurer report: Sonja reported that payroll is a little over, due to STEAM Monday's and the additional hours on Saturday: question regarding why the net income shows over budget, but % wise we are under budget. Sarah will do some research to help us all understand the profit & loss statement
  • Director's report
    • House Bill 2498- still in committee- If this passes library board members will have to run in a general election and library will have to fund that- County Clerk said it would be $1500 low end of election cost and higher end would be $2880- the point of the bill is to allow the tax payers to say in who is on the library board where their tax money is used.             
    • Part 2 The board would be responsible for the oversight, ginal approval or rejection of:
      • Selection, curating, removing materials from the library
      • All current/perspective employees, contractors, or volunteers
      • All events & activities held in library
      • Any Building, infrastructure or capital improvement projects (you currently do have this one)
    • Senate Bill 1330- still in committee, Similar to Rule of Secretary of State passed last year. Differences:
      • "average person, applying contemporary community standards"
      • " a public library, a library board, a member, officer or trustee of a library board shall be held liable for damages. . . regardless if the contents and character of the pornographic materials are know to the . . " (section 2)
      • "this section shall be commenced within fifteen years of the date . . . allowed access of pornographic materials to a minor." (section 3)
    • Summer Reading Program- Adventure begins in your library is 2024 Theme- Community merchant letters will go out first of March
      • ReadSquared is in process of being updated
    • Story Walk- going up middle of March
    • Strtegic Plan- Board and Director need to work together to develop a plan
    • Yearly Evaluations
      • Staff Evaluations will be next week
      • Board takes care of Director Evaluation
  • Sydney moves to go into closed session , Sarah seconded
  • moved into closed session
  • Sydney moved to adjourn 7:51pm and Susi seconded